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Let us listen to your heart

Director's mailbox:
  Taxpayers who wish to make suggestions on local tax or other tax levy may contact the "Director's Mailbox" of the Office in writing or through the Internet.
Taxpayer's complaint center:
  Taxpayers who make complaints or recommendations in person may communicate with the responsible authority directly.
Tax conference room:
  Tax agency and taxpayers shall try to minimize differences, reach an understanding, and avoid lawsuits through communication.
Interview citizens in the countryside:
  Director of Ethics Office will visit citizens in the countryside on a monthly basis to hear what people have to say about tax concerns and reformation.
Periodical seminars and symposiums:
  Arrange seminars and symposiums periodically to help taxpayers understand tax affairs.
Opinion Box:
  The Opinion Box at service center is one of the channels made available to citizens to share opinions with this Office. Please deposit your suggestions into the Opinion Box and we will contact you by phone in two days for further discussion and with a solution ready for your review in ten days.
Fight-Crime Hotline:
  The 0800-826110 toll-free number is the "fight-crime hotline" and the 232132 hotline is for reporting tax evasion. We would like to hear from you to protect tax fairness and order with you.
E-mail address:
  The messages sent to our E-mail: will be controlled properly and will be processed and answered online in three days.
"Guidelines for Executing and Encouraging Citizens to Present Proposals" stipulation:
  It is to be processed in accordance with the instructions of the Chief Direct-General of "Public Service Innovative Measures Seminar" of this Office. For the purpose of encouraging citizens to take part in tax reformation, the effective suggestions of citizens to tax regulation and tax agency's operation will be awarded and adopted.
  Guidelines (see attachment)
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