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Our business responsibility

Revenue Service Office, Taitung County - Organization and Job Responsibilities

Property Tax Section

Electronic Operation Section

Land Value Tax Subsection

Farm tax, land value tax, and construction beneficial tax levy.
Land Value Increment Tax

Subsection :Land value increment tax levy

House Tax Subsection :House tax and deed tax levy

System Execution Subsection:

The development of applied system, seminar training and council, system execution, and file management and filing.

Machine Control Subsection:

Electronic Operation planning, data management, operation control, and material management and archive management; also, server operation, registration process, machine maintenance and repair, programming, media files management, and security control.

Industrial and Commercial Tax Section

General Affair Office

Vehicle License Tax Subsection:

Vehicle license tax levy

Amusement and Stamp Tax


Entertainment tax and stamp tax levy; Tax evasion and evading duty tax investigation

Archive management, affairs management, cashier, and file management.

Revenue Service Section

Accounting Office

Revenue Service Subsection:

Revenue Service Subsection: Revenue service, tax education, and law propaganda.

Violation Case Management

Subsection:Investigating tax evasion and duty evasion and tax administrative measures.

Funds accounting, tax levy accounting, and tax statistics.

Taxation Management Section

Personnel Office

Tax Overdue Subsection:

Delinquent tax collection and enforcement; also, participating tax distribution of court

Research and Evaluation

Management Subsection:Tax levy plan, research and development and control evaluation, archive examination, tax money distribution and release, tax refund, and cancellation.

Organizational structure, employment and discharge, auditing, performance evaluation, award and punishment, training discharge and consolation, insurance, welfare, and business leave and leave permission management.


Ethics Office


Internal affairs evaluation, maintaining facilities' safety, and public affairs confidentiality.

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